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The Go-Betweens Message Board » Archived Posts » 2007: October - December » Off-topic » Howard gets the boot « Previous Next »

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Michael Bachman
Username: Michael_bachman

Post Number: 921
Registered: 01-2005
Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2007 - 01:19 pm:   

It looks like OZ voters finally have sent a message to Howard. I hope Rudd delivers on his promisses and pulls the troops out of Iraq and signs Kyoto. Poland is also going to pull its troops out of Iraq next year.
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Username: Dogmansuede

Post Number: 345
Registered: 07-2006
Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2007 - 09:44 pm:   

further still, looks like we'll have an increased greens say in the senate...where neither party holds a balance of power. things are definitely looking a lot better.
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Geoff Holmes
Username: Geoff

Post Number: 287
Registered: 05-2005
Posted on Monday, November 26, 2007 - 09:27 am:   

For our O.S. boarders, he's moving already on Kyoto, education(close to my heart) and is drafting the repeal of the dreaded "Workchoices"(a policy that had employers offering 2c/hour increases for the loss of virtually ALL conditions like overtime, holidays etc - or find another job!!!).
I even heard tonight that he's going to FINALLY say sorry to the Indiginous people of Australia (they actually hate being called "Aborigines")- something that has been policy in the Labor party but wasn't even discussed in the last 12 months. Peter Garrett will have to dust off his "Sorry" gear that he wore at the closing ceremony of the 2000 Olympics!!
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Randy Adams
Username: Randy_adams

Post Number: 1446
Registered: 03-2005
Posted on Monday, November 26, 2007 - 03:33 pm:   

I hope he does it all. I am envious.
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Username: Judge

Post Number: 379
Registered: 01-2006
Posted on Monday, November 26, 2007 - 03:35 pm:   

Same here Randy though I could never, ever imagine an American president apologising for the genocide, oppression, theft of land, ill-treatment etc etc of the Native American Indians. Ever.
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Username: Kevin

Post Number: 1947
Registered: 05-2005
Posted on Monday, November 26, 2007 - 03:51 pm:   

Dont want to be a party pooper, but although I am glad that my namesake is the new PM I cant help but think that this is very reminiscent of 10 years ago in Britain. Tony Blair swept in to power on a wave of unprecedented optimism, I dont have to tell you how that turned out.
I hope it turns out better for Australia
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Michael Bachman
Username: Michael_bachman

Post Number: 924
Registered: 01-2005
Posted on Monday, November 26, 2007 - 04:46 pm:   

Blair sure turned into a Bush puppet, somewhat like Margret "Brenda's Iron Sledge" Thatcher turned into Ronnie Raygun's puppet.

On Robyn Hitchcock's new 5 disc box set, the two discs of mostly unreleased tracks is titled "While Thatcher Mauled Britain".
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Username: Dogmansuede

Post Number: 347
Registered: 07-2006
Posted on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 12:14 am:   

rudd's made his moderate leanings more than evident...i don't think anyone's in for too much of a shock. besides, whenever we get a genuinely good sort (whitlam, keating) the electorate is seldom impressed.
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Elizabeth Robinson
Username: Liz_the_new_listener

Post Number: 124
Registered: 10-2006
Posted on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 04:37 pm:   

What are the chances of political gridlock in Australia, such as we struggle with in the US? Nancy Pelosi reminds me of Diet Dr. Pepper that has lost its fizz right now.

But Dennis Hastert and Trent Lott have now resigned.... small comfort. Everything around Bush slowly deflates and it's almost anticlimactic now since he's a lame duck.

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