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The Go-Betweens Message Board » Archived Posts » 2006: July - September » Go-Betweens chat » Help needed! Where are these photos from?? « Previous Next »

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Robert James Lukins
Username: Rlukins

Post Number: 1
Registered: 07-2006
Posted on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 12:06 am:   

Hi, my name is Robert Lukins, I used to write for the Brisbane street press Time Off. One day I was loitering around the office while everyone was busy in the midst of a spring clean. Being a scab, I started sifting through the mountains of stuff in the 'throw away' pile. I found boxes and boxes of old slides. Before the days of digital photography, photos had to be first transferred onto slides so they could be placed in the magazine. The bulk of the slides were unmarked and unlabelled, but there were some real gems in there, lots of them being from the full photo shoots, as opposed to just press photos.
My point: I found a whole bunch of slides with one Grant McLennan in them. I saved them mere moments before being literally thrown on the scrap heap (it's tragic just how many amazing photos must have been lost that day!).
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone can help me work out what the photos would have been in aid of and who is in the photos with Grant. I think I recognise the drummer from Gota Cola (or I could be completely mistaken). One clue might be that in lots of the photos Grant is holding up 6 fingers, obviously in reference to something, I just don't know what.
Sorry about the quality of these photos, it's hard to take a picture of a slide being held up against the light of a computer monitor.
If someone had some whizz-bang way of transferring slide images into a digital format, that would be wonderful so I could share these photos with everyone. There are some great ones where they all seem to be falling around laughing at each other.
Here are a few blurry examples =>

Please respond here or send me an email at if you have any clues!

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Jerry Clark
Username: Jerry

Post Number: 346
Registered: 08-2004
Posted on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 01:56 pm:   

Is that Sleater-Kinney???? Wouldn't recognise them from Sultan's Of Ping.
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Kurt Stephan
Username: Slothbert

Post Number: 409
Registered: 04-2005
Posted on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 04:20 pm:   

Nope, the women in the photo are not Sleater-Kinney. But I haven't a clue who they are.
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Guy Ewald
Username: Guy_ewald

Post Number: 172
Registered: 02-2005
Posted on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 - 01:50 am:   

Kurt's right and I don't recognize them either.
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allan kingdom
Username: Allan_kingdom

Post Number: 5
Registered: 04-2006
Posted on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 - 08:08 am:   

If you have access to a scanner, you should be able to get a pretty good hi-res image.
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Roger Griffin
Username: Roger

Post Number: 44
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Monday, August 07, 2006 - 10:19 am:   

Dave McCormack says the guy on the left is Skritch (drummer from Gota Cola) and if you look at this pic:

you'll see the other Gota Cola's, Tylea (guitar/vocals) and Lexie (bass/vocals). I don't know yet who the other guy is.
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Roger Griffin
Username: Roger

Post Number: 47
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Thursday, August 10, 2006 - 07:59 am:   

Well, I've got to the bottom of this. I contacted Magoo (related to Gota Cola), who reveals all...

"The photo shoot was for a Time Off cover for the Zoo's 6th birthday. (hence the 6 fingers) Gota Cola headlined one night and I believe it was Grant solo on another night (I could be wrong, but I think at that stage the go-b's hadn't reformed).
In photo are at the back Skritch (short for Richard)(drums,vox), GW and Brett Collery (samples, extra gtr). Down the front is Tylea (my wife)(gtr,vox) and Alex Gillespie (bass,vox)."
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Nic Barnard
Username: Nic_barnard

Post Number: 10
Registered: 06-2005
Posted on Sunday, August 13, 2006 - 06:39 am:   

OK, now here's a question: whatever happened to Tylea? We spent a few great months in Brisbane in 2002 and one of the highlights (apart from seeing the Go-Bs three times and Grant once at Ric's) was discovering Tylea -- initially supporting Mark Eitzel at Ric's and then twice more in other support slots. She was doing a post-Gota Cola solo thing. We loved her, and picked up a copy of her six-track CDR (Tylea and the Imaginaray Music Score) before we headed back to London. It still gets a pretty regular airing round our house. I heard later she moved to Melbourne (where funnily enough we've just washed up) but does anyone know any more? And did she make any more records?

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